Passion. People. Purpose. That's what our mission is all about. Our vision is what we're striving for and our values, THE NORTHGATE 9, are how we operate. We hope that you will experience all of this as you spend time at Northgate!
Northgate Church is passionate about helping people become who God purposed them to be.
Northgate Church is a Jesus-following, Spirit-moving, compassion-loving community where people find their purpose.
We envision an outwardly-focused, biblically-grounded, multi-generational, deliberately-diverse, leader-developing, people-sending church. Not an audience, but an army!
We envision a Spirit-filled, soul-swaying, life-changing church, where people are released in praise, prayer, and healing and are equipped to become who God purposed them to be.
We envision a Christ-centered, radically-loving, excessively-compassionate church who serves rather than be served, who gives rather than takes, and who blesses rather than curses.
1 We can’t keep quiet.
In Jesus, we find life and forgiveness, hope and peace, healing, freedom, and purpose. We can’t stop talking about him and we take risks to tell our stories.
2 We are lean and mean.
We choose to do a few things well and wholeheartedly, not several things poorly and halfheartedly.
3 We crave community.
Relationships matter. By connecting in community today, we get a taste of heaven to come.
4 We put others first.
Jesus said, “The last will be first,” so we want to love and live humbly through service and sacrifice.
5 We are distinctly different.
Following Jesus is a countercultural and transformational lifestyle. We stand out and that’s good.
6 We stick to the truth.
We don’t shy away from the deep truths of Scripture and we follow the teachings of Jesus above all else.
7 We worship generously.
We joyfully invest resources worshiping God and leading others to him. He is worthy of more than anything we can offer.
8 We rely on God.
Jesus said, “Apart from me you can do nothing.” We pray at all times, depend on the Holy Spirit, and leave the results
to God.
9 We do for a few what we’d like to do for many.
While we can’t do everything for everyone, we make an effort to practice peace, care for those in need, and bless the most vulnerable in our community and around the world.