“Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.” Deuteronomy 6:4-5
In Deuteronomy 6:4, Moses writes, “Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one.” One God – Father, Son, and Spirit. Three in One triune God.
In Genesis it says God created all things. The sky and everything in it, from the atmosphere to the heavens. He created the earth and all that is in it, everything that lives and breathes and makes the earth its home. And He created it good.
In Jeremiah 29, God says not only can we know Him, this Creator God, but that we will know Him when we seek Him with all our heart. If we want to know God, we can and will find Him when we seek Him. He will make Himself known to us.
Paul writes in Romans 1 that all people actually know God, that He exists. His presence is evident through His creation. The beauty, the complexity, the science behind it all points to a creator. But we can choose not to acknowledge Him. To not glorify or honor Him with our lives. Not giving thanks to Him for life.
Paul goes on to pray in Ephesians 1 and 3 that we would know God and that it would affect us – how we live in relation with God and with one another. Paul prays that we would know God more and better. Why?
So that we can live lives that tell the truth of who He is. So that we can understand the hope to which we’ve been called, we can know the riches of His glorious inheritance in His holy people, and we can know His incomparably great power for us who believe. He has good and powerful gifts to share with us as we live in relationship with Him.
And that in this knowing we would grasp the fullness of His love for us. It is as wide as the east is from the west, as long as eternity, as high as the heavenly realms where Jesus is seated with the Father, and as deep as the pit of sin from which He lifted us when He called us and made us His own. He loves us so very well.
In this knowing, we can trust Him and His authority. As the Spirit speaks, we recognize His voice. We go where He sends us and do what He says. Again, why?
So that the world would know Him through us. So that we would give the world a right understanding of who He is.
As we come to know who God is and His love for us, we will better love Him as Deuteronomy 6:5 continues. “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.” In other words, holding nothing back, no part of ourselves in loving God.
We will not love like God if we don’t know the love of God. We cannot communicate what we don’t understand. But as we come to know Him and His great love, we will love others well in His name so they also may know.
“He (God) says, ‘Be still and know I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.’” Psalm 46:10
What in the world is going on in the world?
Do you ever ask yourself or others this question? Do you ask God this question?
Wars and rumors of war. Plagues and pandemics, droughts, and famine. A recession and a refugee crisis. People using people as pawns in their own distorted game of life.
Most days I just want to yell, “Stop!” I want to snap my fingers and make everything right in the world. But no human being has the knowledge or power to do this. Not completely, and not on their own.
Only God knows and can make all things right.
I have a note in my Bible next to Psalm 46 that says, “When God acts, there is a conjoining movement of His people.”
I don’t remember where it came from or when I wrote it, but sometimes the best thing we can do when we want the world to stop around us, is to stop and still ourselves in the presence of our God. To call out to God on behalf of the world, together and unified in our desire for Him to right the wrongs, to change hearts and minds, sometimes our own.
When there is uncertainty and confusion all around us, we can attune our hearts to the Spirit of God within us. We can let His peace be our peace.
And we can be certain there is One who is coming who will right every wrong. Who will heal every disease. Who will cause wars to cease and the weapons of war to be destroyed – the weapons we hold in our hands, at our fingertips, and within our own hearts.
There is a day coming when God will be exalted among the nations and in the earth. Every eye will see, every heart will know, and every knee will bow.
Until that day, we as a conjoining movement of God’s people can move on His behalf in the world. We do what we can, where we can, while we can so the world can know the hope we have in Jesus is real.
He is coming again. He will be exalted in all the earth.
“Now this is eternal life: that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom
you have sent.”
John 17:3
To know God, the One true God, and to know His Son, Jesus Christ is to have eternal life.
As God’s people, we don’t just know about God: that He exists and has power and authority. Even the demons know that. No, we know God. Jesus has made the Father known.
We don’t just know about Jesus: that he was a real man who lived a real life and died a real death. We don’t just understand that He was a good man, with good teachings and good morals. We don’t believe He was simply someone to emulate, imitate, or hold in high esteem. No, we know Jesus. We accept and believe that He is who God says He is, who He himself said He is. That God raised Him from death to life so that we may also live.
And because this is true, we don’t just know about the Holy Spirit: that He’s some mysterious, invisible power or being. That He is somehow at work in the world, intervening, interfering, or affecting outcomes. No, we know the Holy Spirit. We receive Him and He makes His dwelling within us. He guarantees our eternal life in Christ. He continues to make the Father and Son known as He is at work in us, transforming us into the likeness of Christ.
As we come to know the Father, Son, and Spirit, accepting, believing, and receiving what He says, our lives will also make the Father and Son known so that others may believe and receive eternal life through the power of the Spirit.
He is at work in the world and the lives of His people: every person who believes.
“‘I have revealed and saved and proclaimed – I and not some foreign god among you.
You are my witnesses,’ declare the Lord, ‘that I am God.’” Isaiah‬ 43:12
God calls us to be witnesses to the truth of who He is which means we can and should know the truth of who He is.
There are so many things that we don’t know. God’s ways and thoughts are higher than our own, they are more than we can fully comprehend. At the same time there is so much that we can know.
Throughout Scripture, God reveals His character and nature, His will and ways. He doesn’t leave it to lesser beings; He doesn’t leave us to figure it out on our own.
Throughout Scripture, God saves His people reminding them over and over again how He has worked on their behalf time and time again. He reassures us that He has not left us alone, He has not wandered away, He has not turned His back on us. Even when we have been unfaithful, He is still faithful.
Throughout Scripture, God proclaims the truth of His Son Jesus so that all who desire to know this truth can come to saving faith in Him.
Jesus, God Himself, came to make the Father known, to give us new revelation about God, His love for us and our life with Him. He came to do what we could not do on our own. He saved us from our sin setting us free to live for Him.
He proclaims all that is good and right and true.
In 1 John, the Apostle John writes that he testifies, as a witness of Christ, to the truth of the life of Christ. He proclaims who Jesus is and what He has done so that all who hear his testimony can also know and believe the truth about Jesus.
Our lives can reveal the truth about God.
Our lives can proclaim the freedom from sin found in Jesus.
Our lives can be witnesses of the freedom to live for God.
“After the earthquake came a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire. And after the fire came a gentle whisper.” 1 Kings‬ 19:12
(You may want to take a moment to read 1 Kings 19:1-18.)
In one moment, Elijah is calling down fire from heaven, showing the false gods of Baal to be just that; and the next, he’s running for his life. His mountain top victory came crashing down into a valley of fear, anxiety, and depression.
Have you been there?
Have you experience God’s great power one minute, and then run and hide out of fear the next?
I know I have.
And just as God cares for, restores, and leads Elijah into His presence, He does the same for us when we are too emotionally distraught to move forward on our own.
God doesn’t show up condemning Elijah for what might appear to be a lack of faith or disbelief, but instead asks him a question. “What are you doing here, Elijah?” God gives Elijah the opportunity to speak, to be honest about how he sees and understands the world around him. How he sees and understands God’s involvement in all that has taken place.
I can hear the words tumble out of Elijah full of worry and concern as he explains. He sees himself all alone and vulnerable, desperate for God’s intervention. And if we’re honest, there are times when we want God to be just as worried and concerned as we are. There’s no time for words, only action. We want Him to show up in mighty power miraculously changing our circumstances and the people in our lives. And He no doubt does this at times, but often, He allows His gentle power in us to speak louder than any outward power He may display.
As Elijah recognizes God presence in a gentle, calming whisper, God once again asks His question. Elijah’s words don’t change, the way he sees things is real, but the tone with which they are delivered is maybe a bit more peaceful, a bit more willing to hear God’s response.
God in His grace, comforts and encourages Elijah as He sends him back out to continue his work reassuring him that he is not alone. And He does the same for us. We can know and be certain that God knows everything that’s happening and everything we need.
We may not be able to stop the world around us, but we can stop and let God steady our hearts and minds as we turn our whole self His direction. If we are going to run and hide, let us run to and hide in the presence of our God.