“But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” Matthew 6:33
The troubles of this life are real. The desires of our hearts are real. The good things we want in and out of life are real.
And God knows it all. He sees it all. And He truly has an answer to it all. Jesus.
He’s not just the answer to the question in Sunday school or the Bible study. He is the answer to all of life.
Because we live in a fallen world troubles are part of life. Trials, accidents, illness, they all come again and again. Jesus said we would even have troubles that come because we follow Him. But none of these have the final say and neither do we.
We seek first the kingdom of God so when troubles come, we already know from where our help and provision come; we already know who to turn to and trust. We know who can and will bring us through the troubles of life.
We think what we do and what we have proves something to the world about who we are, our value and worth. But these are determined before we ever breathe our first breath. We are made in the very image of God, wholly and dearly loved; our existence desired by the Creator of the universe.
We seek first the kingdom of God so that as we come to know the truth about the Creator, we can know the truth about His creation. When we are confident in God, we can be confident in our identity, in who He has created us to be.
The world will tell you how to get what you want, but so often, too often it’s a winding road through self-promotion, compromise and even deception. When we lay ourselves down doing what God says is right, we will be able to sacrifice what we think we want for what is truly best.
We seek first the kingdom of God so we can proactively seek not only His best for ourselves, but His best for those in our lives, our neighborhoods, our places of work and school, our communities, and yes, even to our enemies. God opposes the proud, but shows favor to the humble. He will lift us up in due time.
If our hearts truly seek God and His kingdom first, His righteousness will shine through his people. We will truly have everything that satisfies our souls. We will truly have all we need.
“Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.” Hebrews 4:16
The New King James version puts it this way: “Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.”
I’ve heard it said that in Christ, we have “refrigerator rights” in the kingdom of God. Meaning, God’s house is our house. If He is our Father, His home is our home. The food in His refrigerator is there to provide for His children.
Everything good and everything right we want to be true about our earthly father is completely true about our heavenly Father. He protects and defends, He encourages and elevates, He treats with respect and dignity, He honors and cherishes. He never leaves nor abandons, He never rejects nor despises, He never lies to nor manipulates, He never uses nor discards. He is completely present, never absent.
In Christ we can have confidence that the doors of God’s throne room are thrown wide open for us, His children to enter boldly with every request, with every desire, with every question, because it’s when we honestly lay it all out before God that we may receive mercy and find grace. It’s how we obtain what will truly help us in our time of need.
It’s in trusting God, in our confidence that Jesus has truly satisfied the wrath of God that we can know in place of judgement, we will find and obtain mercy and grace in our time of need.
James says we don’t have because we don’t ask, or we ask with wrong motives. John tells us that when we have confidence in God, when we desire what He desires, we have peace in our hearts in His presence. Jesus tells us that when we ask, we should expect good things from our Father in heaven.
We have nothing to fear from God, so without hesitancy we come. He invites us to come to Him boldly and with confidence.
“We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.”
2 Corinthians 10:5
We don’t have to think every thought that comes into our minds. And we don’t have to give space to every argument that comes our way.
People have been rebelling against the authority of God since the beginning of time, and it all begins with our minds. It was the way the serpent deceived Eve and the way He stills operates in the world today.
People will argue God’s Word. They will question His ways. “Did God really say …?” “How could a loving God …?” “God understands our weakness and forgives, so we can’t be expected to…” “If God really cared, He would …”
And the list goes on and on.
And they all make sense at some level. They all seem reasonable.
And God invites us to reason with Him.
Man corrupts authority by using it to their own advantage. Jesus says that those in authority lord it over, hold it over those under their authority. In other words, they use their authority for their own good, not the good of the people.
Obedience to Christ is not about just doing what we’re told, it’s about trusting the One who’s telling us what is good, right, and true. When we respect Christ and His authority, when we truly know He has authority, we listen to and do what He says. We believe Him about what is good for us. We believe God when He says, “This is my Son, whom I love; with Him I am well pleased. Listen to Him!”
God has absolute authority, and He wields it for our benefit. He sacrificed Himself to His own authority, and in doing so proved that we can trust His authority.
Our minds do not have to be the devil’s playground. We can say “NO!” to every thought that sets itself up against the love of God, against His goodness and righteousness. We can take captive every thought and lay it before Jesus. No argument too big, no question too small. And then, in confident obedience believe what He says.
“Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God – this is your true and proper worship.”
Romans 12:1
Jesus, our perfect High Priest did for us what we could not do for ourselves. A few chapters earlier, Paul says that we were powerless to save ourselves; we were enemies of God.
And Jesus did what no other priest could do, what no animal sacrifice could ever do. Jesus fully satisfied the wrath of God so that in place of judgment, we can receive mercy. He did this while we were still enemies of God.
And Paul says, in view of God’s mercy, with God’s mercy at the forefront of our minds, because Jesus did this, there is a way of worshipping God that pleases Him. That is true and appropriate.
It is a worship that is set apart as holy because it honors God in what He has done for us.
Instead of a sacrifice that leads to physical death; while we live, we sacrifice our sinful nature that leads to spiritual death, in exchange for eternal life, even right now.
Paul says that through suffering, which includes surrendering and sacrificing, willingly going somewhere we had not planned, experiencing things often outside of our control, and choosing to respond God’s way rather than our own, perseverance is produced. It’s what helps us keep going following after Jesus.
And this perseverance shapes our character. It’s what the Holy Spirit uses in part to transform us into the image of Christ. Perseverance allows the refining process to continue. The most purifying refinement happens in the hottest of fires, so we can actually rejoice in the hardest of trials because we know we are becoming even more like Jesus.
It sounds challenging, but as our character changes, our hope increases. There are tangible changes that encourage us that God is at work, and we know that He is not done with us. James refers to this as the maturing process.
One of the best ways we can worship God is to let Him have His way in our lives by offering ourselves up for His purpose in the world.
We already know we are secure in Christ. We already know that all good things come from our Father in heaven. Let our true and proper worship be a life fully sacrificed to the One who is holy and altogether worthy of our worship and praise.
“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33
We, at least I, often read verses like this and think of the normal daily troubles that come my way. Car problems, the furnace or air conditioning not working, physical ailments, or just a rough day at the office.
And while all these things are troubling, what I often don’t think of is the trouble that will come from following Jesus.
In Matthew 5, Jesus says, “Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven.”
And in Matthew 10, He says, “Whoever does not bear his own cross” (being willing to be nailed upon it, for this is the only reason one carries their own cross), “Whoever does not bear his own cross and come after me cannot be my disciple. For which of you, desiring to build a tower, does not first sit down and count the cost, whether he has enough to complete it?”
What does it take to complete this building – the building of God’s temple, the body of Christ, the building of a life founded on Christ?
In the beginning of John 16, Jesus warns about the world’s hatred for Him and as His disciples, the world’s hatred of us. He goes on to teach about the Holy Spirit and praying in His name.
He has given us everything we need to endure, continue, and even rejoice in the midst of the troubles that come our way. We learn from and listen to; we engage with and pay attention to the Spirit within us. We will be prepared as we put into practice everything Jesus and first followers teach us through Scripture.
Regardless of what happens to us, we can know the One who hears us, the One who will show us how to endure because He was able to endure it all for our sake. We were worth the cost. May we count whatever comes our way worth the cost for His.
Take heart and have peace: Jesus lives! He has overcome the world.